Tuesday, March 2, 2010

A simple passing drill that can be fun.
Put an uneven number of player’s in this case 9, in a circle.
Give a ball to player 1 and 9 and let them pass to the right skipping one player.
So the pass sequence will be 1-3-5-7-9-2-4-6-8-1 or 9-2-4-6-8-1-3-5-7-9 depending on your starting point.
The goal is for one ball to overtake the other.

A forearm pass should always be used when receiving a serve or a volley and is often the first touch of the ball. The forearm pass allows the player to contact the ball lower to the floor giving valuable time to get into position and make a better pass. The platform created by the forearms also provides greater stability and control of the ball. A good first pass is crucial to setup an effective attacking play.
If necessary, the player can provide additional arm or leg movement to push the ball further. Often, however, the momentum from a hard serve or volley alone is sufficient to reach the target without any additional movements from the player. A player only needs to form a strong platform and let the ball rebound. A player’s position, posture and stance along with the arm angle contribute to the accuracy and effectiveness of the pass.

Setting is a specialist role requiring lots of agility, accuracy and skill. The setter often controls the offensive plays by deciding where the ball should be set and then executing it perfectly. A good setter requires a range of techniques in his or her skill repertoire.
The set is used to pass the ball above chest height. There are various sets that can be used such as the forward set, back set, jump set and so on. In this article, I’ll describe how to perform a simple forward set, back set and jump set. While the description is simple, the development of the skill is difficult and time consuming that requires hours and hours of practice. Obviously, good coaching and instruction will reduce this learning curve.

There are a various types of spikes or hitting techniques in volleyball. For instance, outside hit, middle hit, quick balls, backcourt spike etc. In its most basic form, spiking is simply the action of jumping into the air and hitting the ball downwards into your opponent’s side of the court, which hopefully results in a ‘kill’.
To execute a spike you need to make an approach, jump into the air with a good arm swing and then hit the ball with force as you bring your arm back from the swing. It takes a lot of practice to get all three actions to flow together smoothly and to develop an effective spike so be patient and put in the hard work.
Lets breakdown the action of a spike into easy to follow instructions. In this example, we will describe the actions for a right-handed hitter.

The Overhand Serve
For a right handed server, start with your left foot in front of your right and the ball in your left hand. Hold the ball up at shoulder height, arm stretched out but with a slight bend in your left elbow. Pull your right arm back so that your right hand is just in front of your face with the palm facing down.
To serve, tilt your right arm up as you pull your right elbow back. At the same time, slowly move your left arm up to toss the ball. Keep you left hand and arm steady throughout its movement to avoid spinning the ball.

The keys to good blocking volleyball skills are positioning, timing, and movement.
To be an effective blocker, you need to stay in a balance position ready to anticipate.
Good blocking volleyball skills consists of moving into good position to jump up and penetrate the net with your hands and arms to deflect or block your opponents attack.
Keep hands up and feet ready to move
You want your hands up rather than at your sides so that you can quickly get them above the net to block. Also, by having your hands up you are less likely to brush your hands with the net as you jump up.

The dig is a technique that can save your volleyball game. If the ball is about to hit the floor it can be rescued with a dig and therefore, rescuing your team from the other side getting a point.
The idea of the dig is to bring the ball back up into the air so it can be volleyed or slammed into the other teams court. It is a brilliant way to set your fellow players up with an easy shot.
The technique is to lock your elbows with your hands together in front of you and hit the ball with the part of your hand between your palm or thumbs and your wrist, depending on whether you have your hands positioned wrists up or wrists together.

Overhead Throws
1. Stand with one foot in front (staggered stance) with knees slightly bent.
2. Pull medicine ball back behind head and forcefully throw ball forward as far as possible into the wall.
3. Catch ball on the bounce from the wall and repeat according to prescribed repetitions. Keep the time between pulling the ball back and starting the throw (transition phase) to a minimum.
Can also be completed with a partner instead of a wall.

Plyometrics is the most commonly used training method to increase vertical jump power. It “bridges the gap between strength and speed”.
There is little to separate the three training methods when it comes increasing vertical jump performance. However… there is one type of training that seems to increase vertical jump the most…
Combining weight training with plyometric training.
Studies are showing that a plyometric program that runs along side a weight training program produces optimum results.

Bas van de Goor was born on September 4, 1971. At the age of 22, he chose to play professional volleyball. The 2.09-meter tall Dutch guy quickly entered the national team.
He was a member of the Olympic gold medal Dutch volleyball team. Besides the Olympic gold medal his team also won the European Championship and the World League.
During his eight year stay in Italy he played for Modena and Treviso. His last three years he played in Apeldoorn, Netherlands for Piet Zoomers/D.

The underhand serve is a good beginning serve. It does not provide a lot of power, but it can be very accurate and consistent. Volleyball rules require a toss of the ball prior to the serve. Coordination of the toss and contact of an underhand serve is actually quite challenging.
Think of the toss in the under- J hand serve as a release. Create a pendulum motion with your arms. As the hand holding the ball drops, your serving hand moves forward through the ball.
Contacting an underhand serve from a toss can be difficult. Keep the fingers of your serving hand pointing behind your body to expose the heel of your hand to the ball. This will allow you to contact the ball with the meaty part of your hand. Many players attempt to use a fist for an underhand serve, but this often causes inconsistent contact. In addition, the open hand leads to a more natural progression from the underhand serve to the overhand floater.

Andrea Giani (born April 22, 1970 in Naples) is an Italian coach and one of the best Italian volleyball players in the 1990s, winning three World Championships with his national team. He is 196 cm tall.
Even as a kid Andrea showed exceptional physical features. His father, Dario, was a rower who had taken part in the 1964 Summer Olympics for Italy. After having trained with the father, Andrea tried his luck as a football player.But, in 1985 the 14 year old Giani began his career as a volleyball player in the local team of Sabaudia, in the Southern Latium, where he lived. His exceptional qualities attracted attention from the two main volleyball club of Italy of the period: Panini Modena and Santal (later Maxicono) Parma.

Thursday, February 25, 2010

Squat Jumps
1. Stand with feet shoulder-width apart, trunk flexed forward slightly with back straight in a neutral position.
2. Arms should be in the “ready” position with elbows flexed at approximately 90°.
3. Lower body where thighs are parallel to ground and immediately explode upwards vertically and drive arms up. Do not hold a squat position before jumping up – keep the time between dipping down and jumping up to a minimum.
4. Land on both feet. Rest for 1-2 seconds and repeat.

This is a little bit heavy jump programme.
Programme lasts for 10 weeks and its made particuralry for volleyball players.
If you would like to jump higher, you should try it.
And don’t forget to stretch yourself before and after doing these jumps cause it’s the most important part of any trainig session.
So, good luck to all of you.

Ankle injuries are among the most common injuries in sport. Ankle sprain is the most common injury in virtually all epidemiological studies. Being the first part of the kinetic chain to withstand the impact of running, twisting, pushing off and landing, the ankle and foot must, within fractions of a second, distribute the impact higher up the chain in complex flexion, extension, eversion and inversion movements of the talo-crural joint and supination and pronation at the mid-foot. The faster the movement, the more important is the balancing act and proprioceptive function of the ankle

The shoulder has the greatest range of motion of any joint in the body. It is our shoulders that allow us to put our hands where they need to be for work, play, and all of our daily activities. To manage this, the shoulder has to have the right balance of strength, flexibility, and stability. Loss of this balance can lead to pain and injury. Maintaining this balance through exercises aimed at stretching and strengthening can help avoid shoulder problems.
The rotator cruff muscles
Without learned muscle control, any overhead activity, let alone just lifting the arm, would be impossible. The muscle group for this control is the rotator cuff (RC) muscles – the infraspinatus, supraspinatus, teres minor, and subscapularis muscles. The muscles primarily designed to position the scapula for overhead movement are the trapezius, and serratus anterior. The larger and more powerful muscles that generate movements of the arm are the deltoids, latissimus dorsi, and pectoralis major.

Cuba is the heavy favorite to claim the ticket to the Final Round of the 2010 Men’s World Championship when the third round NORCECA Pool H tournament gets under way here on Friday.The Cubans arrive at the competition to be played at Ciudad Deportiva’ Gymnasium after a successful season in the 2009 edition of the FIVB World League and several of their players were part of the team that finished as runners-up in the FIVB Men’s Junior World Championship in Pune, India.

Havana, Cuba, August 13, 2009 – Cuban head coach Orlando Samuels talked very confidently about the chances of his team ahead of the Norceca-H third round tournament of the FIVB 2010 Men’s World Championship that kicks off on Friday in the Ciudad Deportiva Gymnasium in the Cuban capital.
“The objective is a clear, one and only: Win the tournament,” said Samuels during the pre-tournament press conference held on Thursday.
Cuba, currently 18th in the FIVB World Rankings, finished fourth during the recently completed 2009 World League and is considered a strong favorite to claim the ticket to the Final Round of the Men’s World Championship in Italy next year.

Outside Hitter (also called wing spiker, left side)Outside Hitter is the player who carries the serve receive responsibility along with the libero.
Outside hitter most often attacks the balls which setter sets to the antenna to the left side of the court. Therefore after the serve outside hitters place themselves to the left front position. Sometimes setters run offensive plays in which outside hitters run to hit balls “inside” around the middle blockers.
Outside hitters play both the front row and the back row. In modern high level volleyball outside hitters are responsible for hitting the 3 meter or 10 feet line attacks, usually from the middle back position when playing in the back row.

Guadalajara, Mexico, August 27, 2009 – Four men’s teams will battle in a Playoff Round here this weekend vying for the last two NORCECA tickets available to the Final Round of the FIVB World Championship next year in Italy.
Hosts Mexico, Canada and Dominican Republic (the second-place teams from three third round tournaments) are joined by Panama (the best third-place side from those events). Puerto Rico, Cuba and United States have already booked their spots in Italy as NORCECA representatives.

This superstar’s full name is Gilberto Amaury de Godoy Filho, but he is much better known as Giba.
Giba is the best known player in one of the greatest volleyball teams ever, Brazilian men’s volleyball team from this decade. Giba may be the best player in Brazilian superb volleyball team and is a superstar among volleyball fans all over the world.
Giba is not only an excellent professional volleyball player, but also has passion, energy and charisma which make him lovable by the volleyball fans – and the power to inspire the whole Brazilian team to play its best.

Once a coach decides upon his coaching objectives, he needs to plan how to achieve those objectives. There are three recognized coaching styles.
The first method entails the coach making all the decisions and demanding that players follow instructions without asking questions. This is described as the “authoritarian” style. This style may help the athletes learn to follow orders, but will not necessarily help the young athletes develop thinking skills and personal qualities.
Another style, which may seem easier to adopt if the coach has little experience, is to let the players run the program. This is the easiest style to put into practice. There is little danger of the coach making uneducated or embarrassing mistakes. Unfortunately, the greatest shortcoming with this style is that the coach will not be helping the players learn skills and values.

Before you can effectively teach the skills and strategies of volleyball, a coach must understand how the athletes learn. A coach’s role is to ensure that proper techniques are presented and that the athletes enjoy their participation in the sport. This requires motivation on the coach’s part and on the athlete’s part.
Both coach and athlete must have an understanding of why they are involved in the sport volleyball. That means that a coach must know why he is teaching the selected skills and also investigate the expectations and goals of the athletes involved in the program.
Three stages of learning are recognized and labeled beginning, intermediate, and advanced.

Here I will explane you some basic volleyball rules and at the bottom of text you can find FIVB Official Volleyball Rules.
ScoringThe winning team in a volleyball game is the first to reach 25 points with a winning margin of at least two points. In match play, the victors have to win three out of five games to win the match. The serving team gets the point if the defensive teams hits the ball out of bounds or incurs a violation. The defensive team gets a point if the server cannot get the ball over the net or the offensive team hits the ball out of bounds.

The jump serve can be a funtastic weapon; it is both powerful and deceptive. The jump serve can create difficulties to your opponents if they are not used to facing this type of serve. Basicly, the jump serve is very similar to attacking technique.
The main difference is that instead you attack a set from a teammate, you attack the ball that is thrown high by yourself. Hold the ball in front of your serving shoulder as you prepare for the toss. Use a one-handed toss, but toss the ball with your serving arm. You will launch yourself into the air to attack the toss, so toss the ball high in front of you. It is essential to coordinate the toss with a sequence of steps, allowing you to jump and swing naturally. Step forward on your nondominant foot as you toss the ball.

The overhead pass is typically referred to as the set . The execution of most volleyball skills requires effective movement of players prior to contacting the ball. When executing a set, focus on moving your feet to the ball and squaring your shoulders to the target, lifting your hands and forming a shape similar to the vol­leyball, and using the extension of your arms and legs to push the set high into the air.
To be able to square your shoul­ders in the direction of your intended set, you need to arrive at the spot where the ball is heading.It’s very important to get there before the ball does. Once you have arrived, it is important to get your hands up quickly and have your body in an athletic stance with your feet stag­gered and your knees bent comfort­ably. It is preferable to have your right foot forward, especially if a serve reception forces you near the net.

Ready position
Now, lets start with basics…
To execute an overhead floater serve, stand comfortably with your nondominant foot slightly forward. Be sure that your weight is on your back foot. Hold the ball with your nonserving hand in front of your serving shoulder.
Slide your front foot forward and feel your body weight shift from your back foot to your front foot. As you step forward, toss the ball directly in front of your serving shoulder high enough to force you to reach with your serving hand.

The tip
Depending on the effectiveness of the block, an offspeed attack may be a good option. The tip is a de­ceptive attack disguised by a strong approach and dynamic jump.
Instead of swinging at the ball, reach high with a locked el­bow, contacting the ball with your finger pads. Place the ball just over the blockers’ hands and on the floor in open space not covered by defenders.
This action can really surprise the opponents block, especially if you don’t perform it so often.

As a setter, you are not always limited to setting to teammates in front of you. You can send the ball behind with a back set and surprise the opponents.
The back set may be challenging for new players. The setter receives the ball the same as she would on a front set. The initial body, arm, and hand position will be helpful in execution of the back set. Contact the ball near your forehead, but then arch your back and drive your arms high above your head. This extension should finish with your biceps very close to your ears. With experience and prac­tice, you will gain confidence in set­ting to a player that you cannot see.
Good setters are able to set in either direction and have their form look exactly the same. So, if you want to perform the back set, don’t look back over the top of your head because the blockers will know what you are about to do and they will have advantage against the hitter.

technique of volleyball

This drill should improve your block.
One player is positioned in zone 2 and one in zone 4.
Players perform block and than move near zone 3 to perform another block.
After that they move back to zone 2 and 4 to perform block once more.
When the blocking is finished they sprint back and next players take their places.

using leg drive

When receiv­ing a hard-driven serve, your passing platform should remain stable.
The natural rebound of the ball from your arms will provide plenty of force.
For a softer serve, you need to use some leg drive when the forearms contact the ball (take a look at the picture). Imagine you are sitting on the edge of a chair as you get into proper passing position.
As you contact the ball use just enough power in your legs to stand up.
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using leg drive

When receiv­ing a hard-driven serve, your passing platform should remain stable.
The natural rebound of the ball from your arms will provide plenty of force.
For a softer serve, you need to use some leg drive when the forearms contact the ball (take a look at the picture). Imagine you are sitting on the edge of a chair as you get into proper passing position.
As you contact the ball use just enough power in your legs to stand up.
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Quien invento el volleyball??

Cuatro años más tarde de la invención del Baloncesto por James Naismith en diciembre de 1891, se crea otro deporte en la YMCA de Massachusetts, el Voleibol. En este caso fue el director de Educación Física, William G. Morgan el encargado de inventar un nuevo deporte ( por lo que he visto yo en algún profesor en INEF, seguramente salió de algún trabajo que le pidió a sus alumnos). Era el año 1895 cuando se inventaba el Mintonette.

El baloncesto, que ya llevaba unos años de ventaja era un deporte difícil de dominar por los ejecutivos y necesitaba unas dimensiones muy grandes para poder ponerlo en práctica en espacios interiores. Así que su origen fue en principio como un deporte de recreación y como medio de eliminar estrés y el sobrepeso de estos ejecutivos. Morgan se fijó en el tenis , del que sacó la red y supongo que la división de los campos para evitar el contacto entre jugadores, y en el balonmano para el saque y el remate.
Necesitaron un balón y empezaron por probar con la tripa del balón de baloncesto que les resultó demasiado ligera. Luego lo intentaron con el propio balón y resultaba demasiado pesado . Así que finalmente se les ocurrió que podían dejar de copiar de otros deportes y crear su propio balón. Se le pidió a la marca Spalding que les fabricase los primeros balones muy similares a los actuales.
Tras una conferencia en 1896 en el Springfield College se invitó a Morgan a realizar una exhibición donde el profesor Alfred T. Halstead tomó el vocablo de pase de voleo que se realizaba en el juego que unido al vocablo “ball” dio como resultado la denominación actual.

Tuesday, February 23, 2010

para que sirve la rotacion en volleyball

Para que sirve la rotacion en volleyball?

La rotacion en Voleibol permite que los 6 jugadores de la cancha cambien a las distintas posiciones del cuadro,Generalmente la rotacion se relaciona con la persona que va al saque, es la referencia principal al ganar el balon. De igual forma la rotacion va ligada al sistema de juego, mantiene el constante movimiento ofensivo y defensivo del equipo. Ofrece una variacion importante en el aporte de los jugadores en area defensiva y ofensivacion.

Thursday, February 11, 2010

aqui pueden encontrar mucha informacion hacerca del volleyball este deporte es muy bonito pueden ver bastante informacion hacerca como miden las canchas de volleyball como es la pelota como vestirse y muchas cosas mas.